I was just thinking…

about work and relationships and travel and my fav podcast—and sometimes all those things, all at once.

Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

Dolce far Niente

I’m discovering that there is something restorative about the art of idleness.

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Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

3 Things I Learned from My Trainer

I grappled for a good 48 hours with the question, “What does one wear in the weight training corner if you don’t own a wife-beater or Under Armour?”

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Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

Burning Bridges: When Your Best Friend Kills Herself

I felt foggy. Like I couldn’t see or feel or understand anything clearly because of the dense, suffocating fog in my brain, and I wanted to fight with every fiber of my being to make it go away and get a clear picture of how and when and why. Mostly why. Why?

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Lisa Thompson Lisa Thompson

Loving Loudly

In my limited sphere of influence, I have the power to make good louder than bad. Immediately.

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